Monthly Archives: October 2019

WM’s Breast Cancer Awareness Outreach

On Saturday (12/10/2019) the second year students of the Women’s Ministry organized a breast cancer awareness outreach program. This is the second outreach WM has held since the first one last year.
It was held at the Brethren in Christ Church Lobengula attended by total of 57 ladies, including 6 ladies from the deaf community. Women’s Ministry student, Sithokozile Mlambo, was the sign-language interpreter for these ladies.

The speaker, Dr. Judith Chamisa, is a breast cancer survivor. She shared her experience dealing with the hard situation when she was told that she got breast cancer which resulted in a mastectomy and how she dealt with it and chemotherapy. She engaged the ladies to be more aware of their bodies, to be able to distinguish abnormalities happening or any symptoms showing.

She also encouraged the ladies not to be afraid to get proper treatments needed when they are diagnosed with breast cancer. Dr. Chamisa shared also healthy lifestyle and exercise tips for those who are undergoing treatments or have survived breast cancer. At the end of the session, Dr. Chamisa also reminded everyone in attendance not to dwell in their worries themselves, but to give their selves to God in prayers. She emphasized that they can enjoy life even after breast cancer.

Meet The Alumni

Mandlenkosi Moyo, a full-time pastor and part-time tutor at Zimbabwe Online University, was a BA in Theology and Honours programme in Practical Theology student at TCZ from 1997 to 2002. Now a peace building activist, Pastor Moyo recalled that beyond the classes, both students and lecturers became a community, which he found very helpful to get him through the student years. Pastor Moyo also emphasized that his years at TCZ are very important. He said, “…It was enriching. I was exposed to Theological concepts and even my relationship with God also improved.”

Asked how studying at TCZ helped him through further education and career, Pastor Moyo stated that “TCZ played a pivotal role in my life, without having been in TCZ it’s a clear fact that I would not met these further studies as I used my qualifications from TCZ to apply for them.”

Quiet Day 2019

TCZ held another Quiet Day on Tuesday (1/10/19) at the Hillside Dams. Pastor Mandlenkosi Moyo (also a TCZ alumni) led the session, underlining on the need of developing self-leadership. Pastor Moyo further explained that as leaders or future leaders, it is very important understand our own selves because leadership should be develop from one’s self.

Not only to set aside a quiet time to have a moment reflecting on the gospel, during the Quiet Day both of students and faculties of TCZ also build relationships and shared a fellowship together through sharing food and tea or coffee. At the end of the sessions there were also some worships and prayer time, where group of two gave thanks and prayed for each other.

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