On Saturday (12/10/2019) the second year students of the Women’s Ministry organized a breast cancer awareness outreach program. This is the second outreach WM has held since the first one last year.
It was held at the Brethren in Christ Church Lobengula attended by total of 57 ladies, including 6 ladies from the deaf community. Women’s Ministry student, Sithokozile Mlambo, was the sign-language interpreter for these ladies.
The speaker, Dr. Judith Chamisa, is a breast cancer survivor. She shared her experience dealing with the hard situation when she was told that she got breast cancer which resulted in a mastectomy and how she dealt with it and chemotherapy. She engaged the ladies to be more aware of their bodies, to be able to distinguish abnormalities happening or any symptoms showing.
She also encouraged the ladies not to be afraid to get proper treatments needed when they are diagnosed with breast cancer. Dr. Chamisa shared also healthy lifestyle and exercise tips for those who are undergoing treatments or have survived breast cancer. At the end of the session, Dr. Chamisa also reminded everyone in attendance not to dwell in their worries themselves, but to give their selves to God in prayers. She emphasized that they can enjoy life even after breast cancer.